Friday, January 5, 2018

Herbs In Nepal And Their Uses

Nepal being a small and Himalayan  country, itself is icon of the world.Not only that It has always been the center of herbal richness with more than ten thousand species of herbs in its alpine belt. The medical herbs databases listing for Nepal shows 1,624 species of medical and aromatic species founded in Nepal.

These herbs have been integral part of traditional medicine practices of  indigenous community in Nepal. Seeing the same impact and long history of herbal use, these herbs of Nepal are now exported to many countries and companies for medical purposes. Many big companies import such herbs to make medical extract and derivatives which are used in treating various diseases and health deficiency:according to

It is said that In Nepal medicinal plants have been cultivated since 300 years ago. But due to the people's negligence or governmental policies the trend have been extinction.But in recent days Ayurbedic medicines are engaged in growing different types of medicinal plants for making medicine by using herbs to treat different kinds of disease commercially. Most of the medicinal plants are grown in holly region of Nepal


1-Amala: It is use for Acidity,hair fall, constipation, diarrhea etc.

2- Tulsi: Common Cold, Cough, Fever, blood purifier.

3-Barro: Diarrhea, Asthma, Constipation, pills, fever, jaundice etc.

4- Neem: It is used for skin disease, blood pressure, tooth shaking, body itching, mouth stinking and many more.It is also used for soap, cream, detergent etc as well.

5-Ghiukumari: Ghiukimari(Aloe Vera) is used in acidity, constipation, abdominal pain, fever, burnt, liver disease, diabetes, and more. It is also used for making some cosmetic products such as shampoo and facial cream.

6-Haledo: Turmeric root is used for common cold, cough, menstrual problem, fever, pain of body ,wounds and more.

7-Yarshagumba: It is used for all kinds of disease. it is a kind of tonic, is used for sexual disability and many more..

8- Panch Aunle: It is used for all kinds of disease.

9- Jatamasi: Spikenard is used for indigestion.And it used for scented oils, perfumes and other products.

10-Bel: Wild hard nut is used for constipation, dysentery, fever etc.

11- Chiraeto: used as blood purifier, indigestion etc.

12- Dhaturo: Used in fever, skin disease, jaundice etc.

13- Gurjo: Used in acidity, blood purifier, fever, diabetes, urine problem etc.

14- Neer Masi: Used in sting of venomous insects such as snake, scorpio etc.

15- Ghodtapre: It is used to treat urine burn, blood pressure, blood purifier, etc.

16- Ban Lasun(wild garlic: It is used to treat cordial pain.

17- Timur:It is used for treat cold, heart problem, oil toothpaste, tooth powder etc.

18- chutro: It is used to make different kinds of colors.

19- Chari Amilo: It is used to treat cold , fever, body pain etc.

20- Harro: It is used for pain relief,throat problem , body pain etc.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Home Remedies Of Scabies

Scabies is a skin disease which is caused by a female mite. Mite lay eggs and hatch in human skin and develop into adult. It can not survive long time but in human body it can survive up to month.Attacked by scabies may may last for years that causes rash on skin that is extremely itchy,that is known as "the seven years itch" .

- It is a type of parasitic infection
-Sarcoptes scabel

*Mode of transmission
-skin to skin contact
-sexual contact
-contact clothes

*epidemiological factors
-Poor hygiene and low socio-economic factors
-Transmitted by close physical contact
-Such as prolonged hand holding and sharing of a bed

*C/F(clinical features)
-Severe itching ,worse at night
-Papular and papulovasicular lesion
-Pathognomonic lesion is burrow
-site:-web space,periumblical region,genitalias,wrist,sides of fingers
-Infants:palms and soles
-Nodules in genital region
-secondary bacterial infection:

-History and clinical presentataion

i)Personal hygiene maintainance of rest of family members
-Avoid sharing towels,bed sheat'clothes
-Disinfection of clothing and beding for reoccurance
-Medical treatment is perfer under the infection of scabies, though some of effective
Home Remadies are mention below:
-Neem's Leaves dust or paste: Neems leave paste can cure your scabies and provide relief from pain , irritation,and itching.

-Bamboo shots water: If you apply bamboo shoots water on your scabies regularly you will get well soon.
- Garlic: Garlic is rich in anti-bacterial properties, applying the garlic broth at least twice a day can show the effect on your scabies.
- Rosemary Oil. - Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil help to get rid of bacteria related scabies.
- Clove Oil
- Onion
- Aloe Vera
- Termuric
- Make a paste of crushed margosa leave,turmeric power and mustard oil and apply on affected area that will help to cure your scabies
Note : This Article is written by medical student, hope it will help you

Methods Of making Non-Veg mo:mo At Home

Among the varieties of food that are famous in Asian continent are almost same and Nepali food also same as the other  but some food we eaten in Nepal really give amazing test and quality.In Nepal most of the people eat dal bhat tarkari(landils, rice and vegetables) which is mostly spices along with hot and spicy pickle.

Not only that we have some special food such as Dhindo (usually is made up of Millet, corn, wheat, barley and even buckwheat flour).If we talk about food , there are hundreds of food in number which is eaten by the different communities according to geographical location.
In recent days we can get food in Nepal which is eaten all over the world.Though Momo(Nepali special food) is most popular in Nepal and the world.They were originally filled with buffalo meat but now also with goat or chicken, as well as vegetarian preparations.
To make momo, first we need refined wheat flour cald it maida. To make it a suitable amount of water is mixed in refined wheat flour for making it dough. After making the dough, we have to make the small balls from dough of about
 10gm or more. After that we have to give proper shape by putting vegetables and keema, Then we have to bake it with the help of water vapor.

The Ingredients of making Mo:Mo:
1- flour 600gm 
2- water-300gm
3-Meat(keema)or potato-300gm
5-green chillies
6- Coriander leaves
7-Mustard Oil- 80gm
Beside these ingredients we need proper type of pot, spoon, plate etc.


Non- veg mo:mo is prepared by using the meat of chicken, buffalo, fish etc.
a- Take refined wheat flour and clean it nicely by removing unwanted materials.
b- By mixing suitable amount of water make it dough.
c- Grind the meat and mix onion, chilies powder, cabbage etc into grinned meat.
d- make the small piece of dough or balls of prepared flour.
e- put the proper amount of mixed keema inside the each ball and roll it for making the desired shape.
f- Cook these balls on the vapor of water in specific pot for 10-15 minutes.
g- after cooking these balls, we can eat mo:mo now

Methods Of producing New Plant and Grafting

The process of producing new plant by using root stock and scion in scientific way is called grafting. This is very important method of producing the plants.In this method , root stock and scion are joined with each other to make new plant.
Stock is a part under the graft and scion helps to produce fruits in the plant.
Following points should be maintained while grafting.
a- The root stock and scion combined properly with  each other.
b- The internal part of the root stock and scion are joined properly with each other.
c- Grafting should be done in proper season to develop the plant cell.
d- parts of the plant which are cut for grafting should not be dried.

 Methods of Grafting:
a- Whip grafting:
In this process, root stock and scion are cut diagonally to combined easily with each other. After that they covered by plastic from outside by putting some fertile dung. It is necessary to combine the cut portion of root stock and scion properly with each other. both the combined parts are joined with each other after 3 months.

b- Splice Grafting:
This process also similar to the whip process. In this method, both the root stock and scion are cut normally and tie with each other to join them properly.

c-Cleft Grafting:
In this method, stem stock is trimmed from the plant. Make an opening on stem stock up to the depth of 5cm. Now scion of length is about 10cm is inserted inside the opening of the stem stock and then wax is used from outside. Finally, we will get a new plant after 2 to 3 months.
d-Side Grafting:
This method is mostly applicable for those small plants which are grown in the vase of clay pot. In this process, skin of the stock root is removed from the plant. It is called process of removing the bark from the root and then scion for attached with bark less part of the stock root. The appropriate size of scion for side grafting is from 10cm to 15 cm.
e- Bark Grafting:
This process also same as the process of removing outer layer or skin or bark of the stock. But in this process, outer skin is removed up to 5 cm depth.In this process, removal of outer skin is continued until woody portion is seen.

After that scion is inserted on the stock with the help of iron nail or glue to attach properly. In bark grafting, length of the scion is about 10cm and thickness is about 0.6 to 1.8cm is supposed to be appropriate.

Budding is the process of the propagated in which a bud of the plant is to be propagation and is grafted onto the stem of another plant. This process is used  for cultivating the plants which are highly demanded in the market. This method is used for preparing citrus fruits an rose plant.

Reduce your unnecessary belly fat

Time was, the worst thing about a pot belly was that you could not  wear a bikini anymore or feeling difficult to wear bra. Due to the unbalanced, unhygienic food and diet, less physical exercise and many other causes you might get over weight and increased the belly.

Though some how we have seen that some of you are worried of your paper thin body that might be also some reason , so the you are not getting proper cloths in with in you. No big deal, just throw a tunic or cover up or trade in pencil-thin jeans for a pair of relaxed -fit denims.

But Even if carrying a little more weight around your middle doesn't bother you cosmetically, you might want to get rid of it for health reasons. Many research shows that if you tend to gain weight around your middle, so that your body, hips, belly and looks attractive though every one wants to have their flatten tummy. For that you need to do something more as given below:

Whatever the cause, women doctors say that exercise and weight reduction can help you slim down and firm up your abdomen.But that needed regularity.
Walk, walk and walk:As we know that walking increase your metabolism-the rate at which your body uses up calories stored as fat burning off abdominal and other body fat. So the best way to lose abdominal fat lose permanently is walking , walking and walking at least 5 to 10 minutes regularly.

Firm those muscles:
you may not flatten your completely, but you can firm up your abdominal muscles. In addition to aerobic exercise like walking , which increase your respiratory and heart rates.

Try sit-ups:
Lie on your back  with your legs bent at the knees, your feet flat on the floor and back with your legs, rise your head and shoulders from the floor, curling your trunks as much as possible until you reach  an angle of about 45 degree from the floor. Return to the starting position. In the beginning do this just about 4 to 5 times  repetitions three times a week and when you get stronger increase this repetitions about 10 to 15 five times a week and go on and on for about 20 times on daily basis. 

To do abdominal crunches:
Lie down with your feet propped on a padded weight bench or chair and your arms crossed over your chest or your sides. Rise your head and shoulder to from a 20 to 30 degree angle with the floor. Then lower yourself all the way to the floor, do at least 5 to 10 repetition at least 5 times a week.

Eat Your veggies and other fresh food:
As you know that food and water determines all our health, so better to have as rule , gram to gram, as low fat foods with some fruits which have low calories really give you significant results to reach you goal.

If it is possible skip chips, gravy,sweets, fried chicken creamy foods, high calories salad and desserts as well.

Post Nasal Drip and Treatment

We all want to be free from all disease with the different long or short term disease, though it is not possible all the time.We have to fight from that disease anyway. Sometimes due to environment causes we suffer from cold, coughing, sore throat and many more short term attacks.

You know when we get cold , it make us really discomfort and the sound:the disgusting, hacking, snoring,hawking sucking attempt that other people sometimes make to clear their throats of the steady mucus flow called post-nasal drip.

Having a runny nose can be very irritating, especially since it involves a nose that keeps dripping like a leaky faucet. It can be caused by colds during the cold and rainy season and is often accompanied a sore throat  and fever.

What is scourge known as post-nasal drip?

The by-product of a cold or sinus problem, post-nasal drip occurs when the mucus that normally flows unnoticed from the nose vis the back of the throat increase in volume or becomes thick or sticky. And if it's caused by a chronic sinus problem, It's likely that your post-nasal drip problem will be chronic too.

some times we may have mucus that is foul-smelling, yellow and green, in that cases you might have a sinus infection which need medical treatment such as clearing it by using antibiotic,recommended by the doctors.

To clear your cold , allergy or sinus problem you need to follow some remedies as well such as;
Flushing your gullet:

The thin mucus flow down the back of your throat is not noticeable, so drinking plenty of fluids, particularly in winter when heated indoor air is dry, keeps the mucus thin and watery.
Drink herbal tea or tea:
Most of the hot liquids like tea and other soup, are especially effecting the secretions and provide instant  relief as well.
Breathing through nose rather mouth:

We can breath through nose and mouth both though breathing through mouth mostly make dry and thicken the secretions, so better to cover your nose and mouth with scarf and breathe through your nose.

Nasal wash:

A nasal was can alleviate a post-nasal drip. Use a plain over-the-counter saline spray or make your wan: a cup of water , a half-teaspoon of salt and a pinch of baking soda in a syringe. Spray several squirts into your nose , than blow, several times a day.
Take water steam:

water steam will alleviate post-nasal drip. Steam will increase the temperature of the nose and mouth with moist stem will thin the post-nasal secretions.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Easy Procedure That Flatten your Tummy

Time was, the worst thing about a pot belly was that you could not  wear a bikini anymore or feeling difficult to wear bra. Due to the unbalanced, unhygienic food and diet, less physical exercise and many other causes you might get over weight and increased the belly.
Though some how we have seen that some of you are worried of your paper thin body that might be also some reason , so the you are not getting proper cloths in with in you. No big deal, just throw a tunic or cover up or trade in pencil-thin jeans for a pair of relaxed -fit denims.

But Even if carrying a little more weight around your middle doesn't bother you cosmetically, you might want to get rid of it for health reasons. Many research shows that if you tend to gain weight around your middle, so that your body, hips, belly and looks attractive though every one wants to have their flatten tummy. For that you need to do something more as given below:

Whatever the cause, women doctors say that exercise and weight reduction can help you slim down and firm up your abdomen.But that needed regularity.
Walk, walk and walk:As we know that walking increase your metabolism-the rate at which your body uses up calories stored as fat burning off abdominal and other body fat. So the best way to lose abdominal fat lose permanently is walking , walking and walking at least 5 to 10 minutes regularly.

Firm those muscles:
you may not flatten your completely, but you can firm up your abdominal muscles. In addition to aerobic exercise like walking , which increase your respiratory and heart rates.
Try sit-ups:
Lie on your back  with your legs bent at the knees, your feet flat on the floor and back with your legs, rise your head and shoulders from the floor, curling your trunks as much as possible until you reach  an angle of about 45 degree from the floor. Return to the starting position. In the beginning do this just about 4 to 5 times  repetitions three times a week and when you get stronger increase this repetitions about 10 to 15 five times a week and go on and on for about 20 times on daily basis. 

To do abdominal crunches:
Lie down with your feet propped on a padded weight bench or chair and your arms crossed over your chest or your sides. Rise your head and shoulder to from a 20 to 30 degree angle with the floor. Then lower yourself all the way to the floor, do at least 5 to 10 repetition at least 5 times a week.

Eat Your veggies and other fresh food:
As you know that food and water determines all our health, so better to have as rule , gram to gram, as low fat foods with some fruits which have low calories really give you significant results to reach you goal.

If it is possible skip chips, gravy,sweets, fried chicken creamy foods, high calories salad and desserts as well.