Sunday, December 24, 2017

Function Of Nutrition In Our body

Nutrition as the sum processes concerned with growth, maintenance and repair of the living body as a whole of its constituent parts: Lusk Graham

Food plays a vital role in the life of human beings. it is the human need after air and water. Nobody can live in the absence of food. food determines the health of a person.A food that contains the essential elements in proper amount leads towards sound health.But if the food is of the low quality, it deteriorates the health of a person.

Nutrition also determines how diseases, conditions, and problems can be cured or reduced with a healthy diet.

Similarly, nutrition play vital role of identifying how particular diseases and conditions may be caused by dietary factors, such as poor diet (malnutrition), food allergies, and food intolerance.

The food the contains the essential elements is said to be nutritive. Nutrition is related to body building, protection and energy production. As Wikipedia mention Nutrition is the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism.

Therefore, for the various requirements of the body, our food should contain carbohydrate, fats, minerals, vitamins and water. And nutrition  is concerned not only with what we eat but also how the food is absorbed, digested and transported to the tissues and utilized by them. The elements that provide nutrition  are known as nutrients.There are various types of nutrition that needed for our body. Such as;

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